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Bilateral catarrhal tubotympanitis and bilateral chronic otomastoiditis

Short summary

35-year-old-male with recurring otitis diagnosed with bilateral chronic otomastoiditis characterized by mastoid sclerosis and hypodense tissue. Cycles of thermal crenotherapy, mild climate work and avoiding cold climates are recommended. Later on a bilateral catarrhal tubotympanitis was also diagnosed.

Patient's questions
The patient would like to have information on the therapy and on the correctness of the therapy/surgery recommended
Medical Background

35 year old male.

A male patient, 35 years of age, in good physical health. No known occupational hazards. No known family history.
In August 2007, the following diagnosis was made: There are no significant pathologies in the patient’s history, except for recurring otitis, apparently not treated.
September 06, CAT scan of petrosal bones: signs of bilateral chronic otomastoiditis characterized by mastoid sclerosis and presence of material of soft tissue density occupying antrum, epi-, meso- and hypo-tympanum. Maintained the ossicular chain; normal structures in the inner ear.
August 2007, ENT visit: Diagnosis of bilateral chronic otomastoiditis, deviation of the right septum and chronic catarrhal pharyngolaryngitis; recommended cycles of thermal crenotherapy, mild climate work and avoid any exposure to cold temperatures.
October 2007, ENT visit with another specialist: a bilateral catarrhal tubotympanitis caused by tubal dysfunction; recommended a septoplasty and transtympanic drainage.
Therapy: Deltacortene forte (Prednisone, TN) 1 cp/day for 8 days, then ½ cp for 4 days; Aircort nasale 100 (Budesonide, TN) 1 puff per nostril/day for 15 days; avoid cold climates.
November 2007, CAT scan of petrosal bones: Presence of hypodense tissue occupying bilaterally the entire middle ear; this tissue reaches the aditus ad antrum and spreads inside the mastoid cells. Partial sclerosis of mastoid cells. Pattern suggests chronic otomastoiditis, unchanged compared to the visit of September 06.


Medical opinion

The initial treatment I would propose considering is the placement of ventilation tubes in both ear drums. Based on the information described above, there may well be persistent fluid in both middle ears that would be alleviated with the placement of ventilation tubes. Other potential treatments should this intervention fail would include tympanomastoidectomy or assessment for allergic disease.